adding a new language + test-framework to cyber-dojo

It will be updated properly soon.
Meanwhile, follow step 0 below, and then look at these examples from the cyber-dojo-languages github organization: Note how each repo's .travis.yml file simply runs the script which builds and tests the docker image and any associated start-point code. In particular the script augments the Dockerfile commands in various ways (eg adding users for the 64 avatars). Alternatively, if you are building your docker-image using a raw [docker build] command you must base your docker-image FROM a cyber-dojo-languages dockerhub image.

0. Install docker

1. Create a docker-image for just the language

Make this docker-image unit-test-framework agnostic.
If you are adding a new unit-test-framework to an existing language skip this step.
For example, suppose you were building Lisp
  • Create a new folder for your language
    $ md lisp
  • In your language's folder, create a file called Dockerfile
    $ cd Lisp $ touch Dockerfile
    If you can, base your new image on Alpine-linux as this will help keep images small. To do this make the first line of Dockerfile as follows
    FROM cyberdojofoundation/language-base
    Here's one based on Alpine-linux (217 MB: C#) Dockerfile
    Here's one not based on Alpine (Ubuntu 1.26 GB: Python) Dockerfile
  • Use the Dockerfile to build a docker-image for your language.
    For example
    $ docker build -t cyberdojofoundation/lisp .
    which, if it completes, creates a new docker-image called cyberdojofoundation/lisp using the Dockerfile (and build context) in . (the current folder).

2. Create a docker-image for the language and test-framework

Repeat the same process, building FROM the docker-image you created in the previous step.
For example, suppose your Lisp unit-test framework is called lunit
  • Create a new folder underneath your language folder
    $ cd lisp $ md lunit
  • In your new test folder, create a file called Dockerfile
    $ cd lunit $ touch Dockerfile
    The first line of this file must name the language docker-image you built in the previous step.
    Add lines for all the commands needed to install your unit-test framework...
    FROM cyberdojofoundation/lisp RUN apt-get install -y lispy-lunit RUN apt-get install -y ...
  • Create a file called red_amber_green.rb
    $ touch red_amber_green.rb
  • In red_amber_green.rb write a Ruby lambda accepting three arguments. For example, here is the C#-NUnit red_amber_green.rb:
    lambda { |stdout,stderr,status| output = stdout + stderr return :red if /^Errors and Failures:/.match(output) return :green if /^Tests run: (\d+), Errors: 0, Failures: 0/.match(output) return :amber }
    cyber-dojo uses this to determine the test's traffic-light colour by passing it the stdout, stderr, and status outcomes of the test run.
  • The Dockerfile for your language+testFramework must COPY red_amber_green.rb into the /usr/local/bin folder of your image. For example:
    FROM cyberdojofoundation/lisp RUN apt-get install -y lispy-lunit RUN apt-get install -y ... COPY red_amber_green.rb /usr/local/bin
    I usually start with a red_amber_green.rb that simply returns :red. Then, once I have a start-point using the language+testFramework docker-image, I use cyber-dojo to gather outputs which I use to build up a working red_amber_green.rb
  • Use the Dockerfile to try and build your language+testFramework docker-image.
    The name of an image takes the form hub-name/image-name. Do not include a version number in the image-name. For example
    $ docker build -t cyberdojofoundation/lisp_lunit .
    which, if it completes, creates a new docker image called cyberdojofoundation/lisp_lunit using the Dockerfile in . (the current folder).

3. Use the language+testFramework docker-image in a new start-point

Use the new image name (eg cyberdojofoundation/lisp_lunit) in a new manifest.json file in a new start-point.

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