cyber-dojo start-points manifest.json entries explained

Example: the manifest.json file for Java/JUnit looks like this:

{ "image_name": "cyberdojofoundation/java_junit:97411ac", "display_name": "Java, JUnit", "visible_filenames": [ "", "", "" ], "filename_extension": [ ".java" ], "max_seconds": 10, "tab_size": 4, "progress_regexs" : [ "Tests run\\: (\\d)+,(\\s)+Failures\\: (\\d)+", "OK \\((\\d)+ test(s)?\\)" ] }

Required entries

"image_name": string

The name of the docker image used to run a container in which is executed. Do not include any version numbers (eg of the compiler or test-framework). The docker image must (currently) contain a file called red_amber_green.rb in the /usr/local/bin directory. The runner service uses this to determine the traffic-light colour of each test run outcome. For example, here's the one for Java-JUnit.

"display_name": string

The name as it appears in the start-point setup pages. For example, "Java, JUnit" means that "Java, JUnit" will appear as a selectable entry. A single string typically with the major name first, then a comma, then the minor name.

"visible_filenames": [ string, string, ... ]

Filenames that will be visible in the browser's editor when an animal initially enter's a cyber-dojo. Each of these files must be a plain text file and exist in the manifest.json's directory. Filenames can be in nested sub-directories, eg "tests/". Must include "". This is because is the name of the shell file assumed by the runner to be the start point for running the tests. You can write any actions inside but clearly any programs it tries to run must be installed in the docker image_name. For example, if runs gcc to compile C files then gcc has to be installed. If runs javac to compile java files then javac has to be installed.

"filename_extension": [ string, string, ... ]

The extensions of source files. The first entry is also used when creating a new filename. Must be non-empty.

"tab_size": int

The number of spaces a tab character expands to in the editor. Must be an integer between 1 and 12.

Optional entries

"progress_regexs": [ string, string ]

Used on the dashboard to show the test output line (which often contains the number of passing and failing tests) of each animal's most recent red/green traffic light. Useful when your practice session starts from a large number of pre-written tests and you wish to monitor the progress of each animal.
An array of two strings used to create Ruby regexs. The first one to match a red traffic light's test output, and the second one to match a green traffic light's test output.
An example for Python, unittest.
Defaults to [ ].

"highlight_filenames": [ string, string, ... ]

Filenames whose appearance is highlighted in the browser. This can be useful if you have many "visible_filenames" and want to mark which files form the focus of the practice.
An array of strings. A strict subset of "visible_filenames".
Defaults to [ ].

"hidden_filenames": [ string, string, ... ] may create extra files (eg profiling stats). All text-files created under /sandbox are returned to the browser unless their name matches any of these string regexs.
An array of strings used to create Ruby regexs, used by cyber-dojo, like this For example, to hide files ending in .d you can use the following string ".*\\.d"
Defaults to [ ].
DEPRECATED. Instead, inside, use a trap handler to delete unwanted files. For example here's a trap handler for Ruby, Approval.

"max_seconds": int

The maximum number of seconds has to complete.
An integer between 1 and 20.
Defaults to 10.

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