This page holds the customized choices (eg Tennis refactoring, Python unittest).
The language+testFramework list is served (by default) from a start-point image called languages.
The exercises list is served (by default) from a start-point image called exercises.
The custom list is served (by default) from a start-point image called custom.
A start-point image is created from a list of git-repo URLs, using the main cyber-dojo script, as follows:
$ cyber-dojo start-point create NAME --languages <URL>...
The three default start-point images were created using the main cyber-dojo script, as follows:
$ LSP=
$ cyber-dojo start-point create languages \
--languages $(curl ${LSP}/master/start-points/common)
$ cyber-dojo start-point create exercises \
$ cyber-dojo start-point create custom \
Note the curl simply expands to a list of git-repo URLs, one for each of the most common language+testFrameworks. Each git-repo URL must contain a manifest.json file.
To use a different default start-point simply bring down the server, delete the one you wish to replace, create a new one with that default name, and bring the server back up. For example, to create a new languages start-point specifying just the Ruby test-frameworks:
$ cyber-dojo down
$ cyber-dojo start-point rm languages
$ cyber-dojo start-point create languages \
--languages \ \ \ \ \
$ cyber-dojo up